Friday, April 15, 2011

SRL paper

SRL is a laboratory/coalition of artists that pride their selves in create dangerous shows that entice their audiences into viewing their showsby playing off simple human nature. by playing on human nature, that is where they get their success. As humans we tend to be drawn to things that scare us and frighten us. We all look for that rush,  the adrenaline, that natural high that keeps us from doing other drugs such as  amphetamines, cocaine, and other stimulants. The Srl team uses the 3 D's to control disaster (time, sculpture, and 2D flyers). Their performances use the 4D element, their mechs use the sculpture (3D) element, and their flyers (2D) give the audience knowledge that their shows will not only be on April 22nd at 11 pm, but will be dangerous.   I believe that they don't actually promote mechanized violence, they do it so we don't have to. In the video we watched in class, they said many times to not try this at home. Yanks with tanks, maybe they are.  This is where their setting of Amstrodam comes in. Amsterdam is a stage for ingenuity,and new ideas. Their ideas of what their art should be is really revolutionary, and ofcourse it will be met with some opposition. Where they're is good, they're is always bad, and vice versa. And the advocates of certain parties are going to stand for what they believe in.  But I think that SRL will prosper from this because any publicity is still publicity. PR is what makes certain artists famous. With this, I come in to the topic of why they can't go into Tripoli or the other areas mentioned.  They can't go and do shows in places where war played a toll on their society;since one of their themes is war, they will fail gloriously, and will probably get shown out of the country (if they make in the country) with some bigger guns then they took in there. Perhaps they know something we don't know. It takes a lot of guts to do what they are doing. SRL knows that humans are drawn to violence, and this is where they get their audience.

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